Julkaisut – Misc- | Muuta
Extreme makeover!

Long time no see, right? Well, the prolonged radio silence is due to a) the massive amount of work I'm currently ploughing through, and b) Wordpress going bonkers. In short, I just got fed up with needing to fix everything after each update, so I packed my gear and headed here over to Squarespace. Let's hope this works out.

The site still needs a little work here and there but hey, at least it's up. All in all I'm looking forward to trying to get more material together for you guys, so bear with me. A lot of you have been requesting process vids or tutorials, so yeah, I'm looking into that. In the meantime, I'll try and get everything here working more or less as I want it to, and focus on the actual work I have at the moment. This being the weekly strips + the gigantic Suomen ihmisten historia project, which I'll share some previews of soon!

I also migrated the store from Tictail on the same go. I actually really liked their product and service, but I hope to be able to handle everything from here now on. In addition, I felt Squarespace has a better way of handling shipping prices and etc, so that has been revamped to benefit you guys. Anyhow, take a look around, hope you enjoy the new site!

All best, take care!

English, Misc- | MuutaJP Ahonen
Belzebubs and etc.

Sorry for the lack of updates lately! It's been a busy year, and I've done my best to simply keep my head down and continue working and meeting deadlines, trying to finish these longterm freelance gigs so I can focus on my own projects again. Seriously though, it's been so long I don't know where to start, so I'll cut corners and just focus on the main issue here, Belzebubs. Belzebubs is a trve kvlt docvmentary in comic strip format, which sprang to life a year ago, as I began improvising little strips and gags for Inktober. I had a fun time doing something more loose and rough, and due to the positive feedback from you guys I thought I'd revisit this project later on. Now it's evolved into a weekly webcomic, published via my social media accounts, Belzebubs.com and the project's Facebook page. The strip is currently running on Ilta-Sanomat as a daily strip this October, so keep your eyes peeled, guys!

We published small, limited mini-comics (both in Finnish and English) with Kumiorava for the festivals this Autumn, and the feedback was heartwarming. The Finnish version is already sold out and I believe I have around seven books left of the English edition. So thank you so much for the superb welcome we've received with Belzebubs. I've been having a blast with these dudes, so I'm happy to see that translate over to you.

More updates following soon, I have some other news to announce, too. Take care!

English, Misc- | MuutaJP Ahonen
Taide teossa (part 2)

taideteossaTaide teossa -hyväntekeväisyyskauppamme on nyt kiinni, tuhannet kiitokset tuestanne! Viimeiset teokset lähtevät postiin lähipäivinä. Kokonaisuudessaan saimme kerättyä huikeat 16 280 euroa kahden ja puolen viikon aikana. Summa on lähetetty eteenpäin Suomen Punaiselle Ristille. Nettisivut ovat vielä toistaiseksi näkösällä, mikäli haluatte käydä tarkastelemassa tarjontaa. Pop up -kauppamme kautta myytiin yli 130 teosta lähes 50 taiteilijalta.

Kiitokset vielä kaikille hankkeeseen osallistuneille tekijöille: Mari Ahokoivu, Maria Björklund, Terhi Ekebom, Jukka-Petteri Eronen, Roope Eronen, Aino Havukainen & Sami Toivonen, Petri Hiltunen, Jani IkonenPertti Jarla, Juho Juntunen, Satu Kettunen, Timo Kokkila, Kati Kovács, Anna Emilia Laitinen, Kivi Larmola, Kaisa Leka, Samuli Lintula, Eeva Meltio, Mikko Metsähonkala, Pauliina Mäkelä, Timppa Mäkelä, Emmi Nieminen, Christer Nuutinen, Anni Nykänen, Kati Närhi, JJ Nääs, Pentti Otsamo, Milla Paloniemi, Yasmine Pekonen, Ville Ranta, Joonas Rinta-Kanto, Kari Sihvonen, Samuli Siirala, Daniel Stolle, Tiitu Takalo, Tuomas Tiainen, Ville Tietäväinen, Petteri Tikkanen, Jukka Tilsa, Katja Tukiainen, Marko Turunen, Jyrki Vainio, Emmi Valve, Jarkko Vehniäinen, Julia Vuori, Amanda Vähämäki ja Elina Warsta.

ENG: Taide teossa charity store has now closed, our humble thanks for your support! The final works will be mailed out during the following days. In total we gathered 16 280 euros within two and a half weeks. The sum has been forwarded to the Red Cross. The site is still open for now, if you wish to have a look at what was on sale. Thank you to all the (nearly 50!) artists who contributed their works.